New Candidates:  Create an Account

If you are a new candidate and have not registered for an exam or position before now, you can create a free account.  With the account user name and password, you can log in to register for an exam/position or update your information or do any of the other things available in the registration website.

Returning Candidates: If you have ever registered for an exam or applied for a position through CPS and have not used this website, please contact CPS prior to creating a new account.  You can get contact information for CPS by clicking the Contact CPS hyperlink in the left menu bar.
          Returning Candidates:  if you already do have an account and attempt to create a new account, you will get a message telling you that your account exists.  If you have forgotten your user name and password, you can retrieve them by clicking the here hyperlink in the message.  For more details on this aspect, see Recovering Password or User Name.



New Candidates: Here`s how to create your account